Fees & Bursary
2024-25 Fees
Workshop programme* = £200 per 10-week term
*During 2024-25, BMA will offer a reduced programme, and our introductory fees in 2024 -25 have been significantly reduced to reflect this. Fees for 2025-26 and beyond, before bursary funding, will increase to reflect the enhanced programme.
Bursary funding
BMA’s aim is to ensure access to specialist tuition is inclusive and available to all who can benefit, regardless of family finances.
We provide means-tested bursaries and anticipate that many students will need 100% bursaries, for example those on free school meals and looked after children. We will discuss this with you after your taster session, to see what level of support your child or young person needs and ensure that this is in place.
BMA bursary funding can also be used for support with travel costs, instrument hire.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more about how bursary funding works.