Support Us

Why donate to BMA?

Your support means that Brent Music Academy can provide positive and sustained changes in the lives of children and young people in Brent. Your support ensures that high quality music opportunities and professional training reach all children and young people regardless of background; that we lift up our local community through improved employment opportunities and we improve the quality and diversity of the future music industry workforce.  

Donate Securely Online

You can donate with either a credit or debit card online. Your donation will be processed securely on the Just Giving website. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Donate by Cheque

If you prefer to donate by cheque, please make this payable to Brent Music Academy and post to Brent Music Academy, 16 Clerkenwell Green, London. EC1R 0QT.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss how you could support Brent Music Academy, please contact or call 07553768079.