Industry Pathway

The Industry Pathway will introduce participants age 14-19 to the inner workings of the music industry, demonstrating the range of opportunities and roles across business, administration and production responsibilities.

2024-25 Programme

Practical sessions

Weekly sessions led by working professionals will explore diverse topics, building in practical activities supporting participants to try their hands at a broad range of skills including but not limited to:

  • Music Industry Structure & Career Opportunities

  • Production & Songwriting Essentials

  • Music Rights & Revenue Streams

  • Branding & Visual Identity

  • Marketing & PR

Learning will be put into practice during intensive projects, which will allow participants to focus on an area of particular interest as the group creates, markets, promotes and delivers a set real-world outcome: for example, a playlist, an event, an album, etc. 

Holistic support:

  • career mentoring and pastoral support from BMA mentors, community musicians and BMA staff

  • Participants with a specific interest in music production (recording, mixing, mastering) will be given the option to receive further training in these areas before each afternoon session.

Sign Up

Referral is through a trusted educator, such as a class teacher, peripatetic music teacher or worship leader. For more information please visit our referrals page. 

Pathway eligibility criteria

We have published a criteria for each pathway to help professional educators decide on the right pathway for their young person.

Expanded offer for 2025-26, will include:

  • Independent enrichment projects based on student interest

  • Masterclasses/visits from guest artists/professionals

  • Access to RPO and partner organisation events (open rehearsals, concerts, Q&A with artists, attendance at recording sessions)