Performance Pathway

The Performance Pathway is for advance young musicians people aged 8-19* who demonstrate a passion for music performance and composition in any genre, style, instrument or voice type, and a dedication to challenging themselves to develop their skills alongside peers and professional musicians.

2024-25 Programme

5 x 5-week modules over the year, designed and led by specialist workshop leaders, focussing on a topics of relevance, across all musical genres, with a focus on:

Listening/learning aurally - Responding creatively through collaborative compositions - Unpicking theoretical concepts/mechanisms - Gaining vocabulary to enable communication about musical concepts - Performance - Critical reflection

Holistic support:

  • musical support from a rotating team of professional musicians from different genres

  • career mentoring and pastoral support from BMA mentors, community musicians and BMA staff

*2024-25 will focus on the 11-14 age group (those in years 7-9 in September 2024), expanding to all ages for 2025-26)

Sign Up

Referral is through a trusted educator, such as a class teacher, peripatetic music teacher or worship leader. For more information please visit our referrals page. 

Pathway eligibility criteria

We have published a criteria for each pathway to help professional educators decide on the right pathway for their young person.

Expanded offer for 2025-26, will include:

  • Workshop sessions for ages 8-19

  • Student-lead small bands and chamber ensemble coaching 

  • Career mentoring

  • Large ensemble opportunities

  • Independent enrichment projects based on student interest

  • Masterclasses/visits from guest artists/professionals

  • Access to RPO and partner organisation events (open rehearsals, concerts, Q&A with artists, attendance at recording sessions)