Which pathway is the right fit?

BMA Performance Pathway students will demonstrate many of the following skills at an excellent level for their age

Can move to the beat accurately and confidently

Can maintain a steady pulse

Can copy rhythmic patterns accurately

Waits for the appropriate moment to begin playing/singing

Can match pitch accurately in voice or on an in instrument

Can replicate melodic/rhythmic phrases accurately (age/standard appropriate)

Uses dynamics (volume) sensitively

Can confidently maintain an independent part in a group

Performs with energy and intensity

Performs with expression, communicates emotions

Improvises comfortably

Can play/sing confidently by ear

Can control pulse/beat changes in performance

Is sensitive to intonation, playing/singing in tune

Shows creative flair for improvisation and composition

Shows dedication to practising and improvement

Has a remarkable musical memory

Creates sounds in original ways

BMA Industry Pathway students will demonstrate many of the following skills and characteristics at an excellent level for their age

Demonstrates enthusiasm for music performance and/or industry (business, administration and/or production)

Displays exceptional concentration/motivation

Grasps new concepts quickly and applies knowledge to new contexts with ease

Shows persistence and perseverance in tasks

Works independently and shows initiative                                

Takes time to think when presented with new ideas or challenges

Asks questions and is a curious learner

Accepts feedback and uses it to improve

Has a vivid creative imagination

Seeks additional opportunities, in or out of school